Research team

  • Prof Krister Bykvist

    Research Director at the Institute for Futures Studies (IFFS) and Professor of Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University. He leads the management of the overall project as Principal Investigator (PI).

  • Dr Tim Campbell

    Research Fellow at IFFS. Works on population ethics, global health; currently the impact of populationsize on climate change. Leads the work on Part 2.

  • Dr Vuko Andrić

    Associate Professor at Linköping University and Research Fellow at IFFS. Works on ethics and political philosophy. Leads the work on Part 1.

  • Dr Säde Hormio

    Postdoctoral Researcher in Practical Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. Works on individual and collective responsibility, social epistemology, ethics and economics, and climate ethics.

  • Dr Karsten Klint Jensen

    Reasearch Fellow at IFFS and Associate Profesoor Emeritus at Dept. of Food and Resource Economics at University of Copenhagen. Works on formal axiology, and on interdisciplinary issues in ethics, economics, environmental science and animal welfare studies.

  • Dr Mark Budolfson

    Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Science, Bioethics, and Philosophy, Rutgers University, and Fellow, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont. Works on interdisciplinary issues in ethics, economics, and public policy, especially climate change. Leads the work on Part 3.

  • Dr Olle Torpman

    Postdoctoral Researcher in climate justice at IFFS. Works on the question of how to divide fairly (i) the costs for climate change and (ii) the atmospheric sink capacity, as well as on the climate impacts of reproduction and population change.